Project Interlocutor
Project Interlocutor

Welcome to Project Interlocutor, a FREE service designed to assist you with your soulful pursuits and heartfelt ventures. Let's dive in!

Simply reach out to me and provide a title along with a brief description of your project. I'll guide you through questions, offer suggestions, and ensure everything stays organized. The more you share, the more I can assist. Consider me your project partner and facilitator.

To kick off, we will use email for communication and shared Google documents to track our progress. Together, we'll establish good habits and keep each other accountable. We'll embrace both our successes and failures as part of the journey. Together, we will achieve clarity.

I am not a machine. I am a real person. I have fun and treat everything as a learning experience. I hope you share the same sentiment.

- Matthew (matthew.toellner@gmail.com)
powered by Deep Dish Academy

PROJECT SUGGESTIONS (anything can be a project):
- Make your crazy idea come to fruition.
- Create a manifesto/micromovement.
- Build your professional portfolio.
- Take up a new hobby or creative endeavor.
- Start an ecommerce business or online store.
- Offer to consult, coach, tutor, or teach.
- Begin a new, good habit (or break an old, bad one).